Week 2: Ch 6-10
Beth Finds Palace Beautiful, and What, Oh What, is a pickled lime?
Hello Friends!
This is your reminder to read Chapter 6-10 this week!
The Pilgrim’s Progress references are flying fast and thick in this section, and we end with a chapter that I often skimmed as a kid. I had never read The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens (which the girls are basing their club upon) — but their submissions to their personal literary magazine can still be enjoyed even if you don’t know any of the literary references. Amy’s spelling is always good for a laugh!
I’ll hop on next week with some questions and we will open up the comments for all your thoughts! - Steph

PS: Here’s a freebie from my Owl’s Nest Annotated Edition of Little Women - a footnote on Pickled Limes:
“What, oh what, is a pickled lime? Does this even sound remotely tasty? It seems that pickled limes were popular New England (especially Bostonian) fad that children were obsessed with. They were limes packed in barrels with salt-water, imported from the West Indies. They probably had a weird, chewy texture, and were a combination of salty and sour. It seems to be the kind of taste that grows on you. They were pretty cheap and available form candy shops.” (source) Footnote 165, Little Women by LM Alcott, Owl’s Nest Classics Edition, edited by Stephanie Ebert